Monday, 1 December 2008

A three match day

I wish I was being sponsored for this, watching three matches in one day, and even then the pain of some of the things I have been forced to witness could never be compensated for by mere money.

OK, that was a stupid thing to say. But realistically speaking nobody is going to give me enough money to wipe away the pain.

Mainly it has been caused by the sight of junior rugby players carrying the ball in one hand, shortly followed by the sight of a ball bouncing free.

It may be a plot by some subversive organisation dedicated to freeing rugby balls from bondage; it may just be stupidity. I am not qualified to say, though I have my suspicions. I reckon they have all been infected by watching too much premiership rugby on TV. They tell me it helps them run faster,though as I saw a lot of one handed carrying but no scorching runs, I'm not convinced it works. In the case of props particularly, many of whom run at the same speed as a glacier, I'm not sure that the extra yard a year increase in pace is worth the risk of dropping the ball.

Second only to that is the pain of seeing the dropped ball kicked around like a game of football. I could go on, but I'm feeling queasy. Maybe I'll come back later.

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