Thank you to Nottingham Outlaws for the Santa image, particularly prize-winning coach and uber-geek Joe Shepherd.
Maybe not my favourite day of the year, but by no means the worst. This year the kids slept to a reasonable time so that was a good start. Watched Prince Caspian on DVD. I have read the Narnia books many times but am struggling to remember any mention of the country being taken over by a race of swarthy men with comedy Mexican accents. Kept an eye out for a mouse mariachi band pop up. It didn't. But if it had have done I wouldn't have been surprised. Bear in mind that this is a lesson on what happens when Americans get involved. As they are a growing force in world rugby I can hardly wait to see what the future brings...
Having checked on the internet I have decided that it is better to pig-out for one day and then lay off the calories for the rest of the holidays. I didn't actually find a site that said that, in case you wanted the link, I just checked to see if there was one. Sadly there isn't. However, I still think it's a good plan.
Have to go now - only five hours to go and I still have a chocolate orange and a Dundee cake to see off.
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