Wednesday, 4 February 2009

The important things in life

My 13 year old came home last night and asked if he could go sledging. I immediately thought of the Shane Warne story, but decided it turns out I was thinking of the wrong thing. He wanted to hurl himself down a hill in the local park sitting on a plastic tray. Funny how we use the same word for different things.

He's currently got a boot print on his upper thigh. If this was CSI I'd be able to tell the size and probably the make. This, it seems, stops him going to the gym but doesn't prevent him sledging. The other one did a hamstring at the weekend, which allows him to spend hours lying in the bath but no time at all standing at the sink.

Oh the joys of family life.

In case you are interested -

Shane Warne : I've waited two years for another chance to humiliate you.

Daryll Cullinan : Looks like you spent it eating.

If you want more sledging try here or here. But be prepared for rude words because there are Australians present.

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