Friday, 7 November 2008

Bonfire Night Festivities

Bonfire night, and all around me fireworks were bursting in the air. Number Two son and his mother (who is also my wife - just thought I'd clear that up in this era of complicated families) went training and then stopped of at a firework display. One of the other mothers bought him a flashing LED gumshield - looks garish by daylight so can't wait to see it in the dark. Meanwhile Newark RFC held a bonfire party at the clubhouse so we had to go for County U16 training at Mansfield.


I get a sinking feeling when I hear that name, for so many reasons. Partly because I can never remember then way to the club and the directions on the website don't actually help much. It's the only time I wish I had satnav but for once or twice a year I'd rather get lost than spend the money.

Also because they always put us on the back pitch which is three quarters size and tussocky, particulalrly when they don't mow it for a week or two. They do it on purpose as our players are faster than theirs if you give them space and a flat surface.

And finally because of the werewolves.

Admittedly I've never seen one but in the dark, with the mist rolling across the road, you get the feeling that they are out there. And some of their U13s are definitely more hairy than you would expect at that age...

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